Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Team and self evaluation

Team and self evaluation

Q Part 1. Describe your contribution to both the APA Research Project and the Oral Presentation project. Part 2. List your teammates (include yourself). You have 100 percentage points to distribute that reflects each members contribution. Please create a table that lists the team member in column one and the points that you would award them. The total should add to 100 percentage points. If one member (for example, Ed) has been very little help, please explain the attempts that were made to include him (or her) in the team dynamic. For example, your team consists of 5 people (including yourself).

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My contribution to both the APA Research Project and the Oral Presentation project is appropriate. I always communicated with my group member and tried to help them as much as possible. I also provided my part for the group projects as soon as possible, so that other members can work according to it. Part 2. Name Points Awarded Rakendra Powell 25% Devan Bailey 20% Kristina Bair 20% Fabian Carrasco 15% Sierra Oliver 20% All of the team members work properly according to their role. All of us were similar kind of responsible. I initiated all the time the group communication for project, therefore, I gave myself the highest mark. On the other hand, Fabian Carrasco fails for managing time for completing the project on schedule, so I gave him the least marks.